Facial wrinkles associated with excessive mimic activity mostly appear around the eyes, between our brows, and on our forehead, and they can be treated with Botulinum A injections. Botulinum A injections were originally used for the treatment of cross-eyes in 1970 while gaining ground in cosmetic surgery in the 1990s. Since these days, it rapidly became very popular due to its easy applicability, efficacy, high customer satisfaction, and predictable outcomes.
What is Botulinum A?
Botulinum A is a toxin derived from a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum which can cause food poisoning. This toxin was purified, cleared form its components as a toxin and developed as a therapeutic agent.
How does Botulinum A work?
Botulinum A works by blocking impulses from the nerves to muscles, resulting in a temporary paralysis in the injection area. The muscles 1-2 cm around the injection area stop working, and therefore these weakened muscles cannot create wrinkles by tugging of the skin during mimic activities.
How is Botulinum A administered?
Botulinum A is injected into the selected areas such as around the eyes, between the brows, nasal root and forehead in appropriate doses after being reconstituted in a proper way.
Where is Botulinum A injected?
Botulinum A is most often injected to crow’s feet, the area between the eyebrows and forehead on the face. It can also be injected into the skin around the mouth, neck and décollete area.
Where can I have a Botulinum A injection?
The injection is very simple and quick. It can be administered in the doctor’s office.
How long does a Botulinum A injection take?
Botulinum A injection takes only a few minutes.
Is Botulinum A a painful procedure?
Botulinum A injections are made using fine and small needles designed to minimize any discomfort of injection. They are similar to the needles used for insulin injections by patients these needles are designed to have very little pain. However, pain is eliminated when a special cream is applied to the application area before the injection.
How long does it take until the effect of Botulinum A becomes apparent and how long does it last?
It usually takes 7 to 10 days to see the effect of Botulinum A injection, and it lasts up to 4 to 6 months. In some cases, this effect may extend up to one year. In repeated injections, the duration of the effect gets longer.
Does Botulinum A remove wrinkles?
Botulinum A will remove the wrinkles if they are superficial. However, when they are deeper, dermal fillers should be used along with a Botulinum A injection to get rid of them. Formation of wrinkles may be delayed if you start using Botulinum A before your wrinkles get deeper.
Does someone who receive Botulinum A injection lose his/her facial expression?
Forehead movements are softened since it paralyzes the muscles in the injection area. However, one cannot say that facial expression is lost. Following Botulinum A injection, facial mimics becomes softened and the face looks relaxed.
How will I look after the Botulinum A injection?
Although Botulinum A injections are not permanent, they gained ground in cosmetic surgery as a very effective treatment method, reversing the biological clock. Botulinum A gives you a fresher and younger complexion. It improves self-perception in many people, resulting in enhancement of self-confidence accompanied by a positive reflection in daily life.
Is Botulinum A harmful?
No. Botulinum A has no harmful effect in low doses used for cosmetic purposes. It only has a local effect, and it does not enter the circulation. It is also safe in the long term.
Who is not a good candidate for Botulinum A injections?
Anyone with proper expectations can be a candidate for Botulinum A injections except those with muscular diseases and pregnant women.
Is Botulinum A also a filler?
No, Botulinum A is not used as a filler.
For what other indications and diseases is Botulinum A used?
Botulinum A was used for the treatment of cross-eyes when it was discovered 40 years ago. Currently, it has been indicated in the treatment of sweating as it blocks overactive sweat glands. It is also used to prevent the triggering of migraine attacks. It has been demonstrated that Botulinum A significantly reduced the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
Is there any side effect of Botulinum A?
You may experience injection-related bruises and headache for a few days following the Botulinum A injection. Rare, it may cause eyelid droop if not applied in experienced hands which reverse as the effect of Botulinum A wears off.
Does Botulinum A cause a diabolical look?
Botulinum A can cause an undesirable expression if not done properly. It may result in a diabolical look as mentioned before, with a small amount of injection to the root of the nose, but a large amount of injection into the corners of eyebrows. However, it is very unlikely to have such an experience in the hands of an experienced physician.
Some say that Botulinum A is a snake venom. Is it true?
No. Botulinum A has nothing to do with snake venom. As already mentioned, Botulinum A is derived from a bacterium. It is usual in medicine to use substances derived from bacteria after detoxification in treating many diseases.