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What is genital aesthetic surgery?

Genital Aesthetic Surgeries; nowadays, becoming more and more considered and spoken by both women and men.The more people think about themselves the more they start to think about the different aspects of their life such as sexual life. Naturally, this leads them to consider satisfaction in their partners. This factor definitely has an impact on every person’s life standard which makes them to search for suitable genital aesthetic surgery for them.

Major genital aesthetic surgeries for three different problems

Labiaplasty; is a female procedure, for those who have a problem with large labia, asymmetric labia or related female genital issues. With Labiaplasty surgery it is possible for the reduction of large labia (labia minora and labia majora) to reduce their outward appearance and correct misshapenness or irregularities.

Vaginoplasty aka vaginal reconstruction or rejuvenation – is a surgical operation which aims to help women who gave a birth by means of a surgical treatment to tighten up the vagina and increase the sensitivity.

Penis enlargement surgery, also known as Phalloplasty is a male procedure. The most common methods of enlarging the penis are two different categories: involve lengthening and widening. Either performing these techniques as separate operations or performing them together in a single surgery is possible, or one can perform a two-stage process of lengthening followed by a widening procedure six to 12 months later.

What to expect during your consultation?

The success and safety of your surgery procedure depends on your complete honesty during your consultation with your doctor. During the consultation, we will ask you some questions to answer which include your desires, health, and lifestyle.

Be prepared to discuss:

Why you do want this procedure, what are your expectations and about desired outcome

Your medical health conditions, like if you do have any drug allergies and about your previous medical treatments

About the use of current medications, any vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Any previous surgeries
Your doctor may also:

Need to evaluate your general health situation and any pre-existing health problem

Would like to inform you about options and recommend a course of treatment

Discuss the genital aesthetic surgery options matching with your needs

Overview and measure your current situation

Take photographs for your medical record archive.

Inform you about possible outcomes of your surger•

Inform you about the type of anesthesia that will be used at your surgery

What are the steps of the Genital Aesthetic Surgery?

Before your surgery:

You may need to start or change medications.
Please stop smoking in advance of surgery for faster healing
Avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs. They can increase bleeding or thin your blood.

You receive instructions with information about:

What to do on the night before your surgery and the morning of surgery

Post-operative information and follow-up instructions

Day of surgery

Medications are applied for your personal comfort during your surgery procedure. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you to have sedation or general anesthesia.

The results

The surgery will produce a long-lasting result. The post-op treatment after your procedure is easy and involves cleansing several times per day and the application of antibiotic ointment for a week. Most of the swelling which may happen and all of the external stitches will disappear in near to two weeks. It is recommended that patients refrain from intercourse for at least 4 weeks after genital aesthetic surgery.

What are the recovery steps?

After your procedure the recovery time is easy and involves cleansing several times per day and using antibiotic ointment for a week. Most of the swelling which may happen and all of the external stitches will disappear in near to two weeks. It is recommended that patients refrain from intercourse for at least 4 weeks after genital aesthetic surgery.

You will receive from your doctor some post-operative information which includes: How to care for your genital aesthetic surgery, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection, and when to schedule your next appointment with your doctor.

Genital Aesthetic Surgery Glossary

General anesthesia: Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.

Intravenous sedation: Certain sedatives injected into a vein to help you calm.

Local anesthesia: Local anesthetic is a medicine that generates absence of pain sensation in a specific part of the body.