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Rhinoplasty Frequently Asked Questions

As the nose is still growing up to around 17-18 years of age, I advise my patients to have rhinoplasty surgery after this age.

Rhinoplasty is not accepted, particularly as a painful surgery. Latest technology in medicine can easily avoid pain. In general patient, feedbacks are just having mild discomfort.

The length of the rhinoplasty surgery changes by the complexity of the procedure or the efficiency and experience of the surgeon. Most rhinoplasty procedures take about 1-2 hours.

In the majority of cases, most bruising fade away approximately in 6-7 days. Only a few patients who have very light skin color and thinner skin may get extensive bruising. These cases mostly heal around 2-4 weeks in total.

Consultation with the patient and identifying the existing problems and the wishes are the keys to a successful surgery. The desired result should definitely be in conformity with the patient’s expectations so that the patient is satisfied with the new form of their nose.

Mostly we decide the method of surgery during the consultation with the patient. In the majority of my cases, I prefer the open method which is %70 of my nose job surgeries. %30 of the cases are closed rhinoplasty as it is a better option for those patients.

After rhinoplasty surgery, the cask should stay on the nose at least 6-7 days. After removing the cask I leave a transparent plaster 3-4 days more. In total 10 days later there will nothing on the nose. Of course, when we remove the cask there might be some swelling left but anyway at the end of the first month we see %80 of the surgery result.

Revision rhinoplasty means a secondary-surgery for the correction of a patient who had a rhinoplasty before. In general %5-10 of the cases is revision rhinoplasty. The revisions mostly happen related to the unexpected behavior of the skin or cartilage.

Revision rhinoplasty is usually more complex than primary rhinoplasty, that is why it is more challenging and rewarding procedures in facial plastic surgery. Choosing an experienced surgeon for revision rhinoplasty can help you out.

In some cases, the tip of the patient’s nose may remain bent downwards after swellings related to the operation decline. Nasal collapse should not occur as long as the operation is performed properly and we see it very rarely. It is mostly seen in the old methods of closed rhinoplasty surgeries.

Patients are not permitted to exercise for at least 3 weeks after the rhinoplasty. Contact sports should be avoided for at least 6-8 weeks after the rhinoplasty surgery. Using eyeglasses also should be avoided for 6-8 weeks. Afterward, the patient may go back to the normal routine.

The human facial features are based on Phi and Golden Ratio proportions. There are many examples of Phi and Golden Ratio proportions on the human face they are also called as the Divine Proportion or Golden Section.

The nose and mouth are both placed at golden sections of the distance between the eyes and the bottom of the chin, but of course, these ratios are different in man and woman.

That is what we care about during the rhinoplasty and many other aesthetic surgeries.

The choice of method mostly depends on what the cartilage is needed for ear cartilage is more likely to warp than rib cartilage because it is thinner and softer than rib cartilage and if it is needed for nose tip, ear cartilage is much better. If it is needed to build up the nasal bridge, the rib graft will be the best choice but ear cartilage is also will be enough.

Breast Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Some patients might have inadequate breast tissue. In case of a gland and fat tissue decrement due to breastfeeding and for the patients with saggy nipples, we definitely need to apply silicon prosthesis procedure for breast lifting. For this reason, we are trying to obtain a certain volume by combining breast implant and breast lift procedures.
Although there are hundreds of technics defined for this surgery, we can categorize 3 or 4 technics by the type of scar. These are the periareolar scar that occurs around breast, keyhole or lollipop scar that occurs vertically around and under the breast, anchor technic that is shaped like an upside-down T; we can use all these technics for breast lifting and breast reduction operations.

Every woman over the age of 18 may have a breast reduction surgery. But, usually slightly overweight and newly gave-birth people have this procedure.

We see the results for breast operations within 3 – 6 months. We advise patients to use the sports bra for the first 3 weeks and we see the final result within 3 – 6 months.

We usually perform breast reduction surgeries in case of back pain and lower back pain. If breasts are not saggy and distance to nipple is around 20-25 cm, the patient may have the surgery without worrying about breastfeeding. But, in case of the aforementioned distance goes up to 28 – 29 cm and breasts are very saggy, it might affect capabilities of breastfeeding as the patient ages.

Breast lifting, mastectomy or breast reduction have differences. Technics and scars are similar.

Mastectomy procedure performed by lifting the breast without removing breast tissue.

Breast reduction procedure performed by removing and reshaping breast tissue.

Breast lift operations take around 2 hours. It is performed under general anesthesia. It is advised for the patient to stay at the hospital overnight.

Vaser Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

Vaser Liposuction application is ultrasonic liposuction. It is a slightly different method than normal classical liposuction. Before this procedure, we apply a liquid to the operation area and after administering that liquid, the process of breaking down the fat (emulsification) is carried out with ultrasonic liposuction. After this procedure is performed, we appropriately remove the emulsified fat cells in that area, just like in classical Liposuction.

Vaser liposuction breaks down fat and removes it from the body. Apart from this, it provides a significant increase in temperature to that area, tightening the skin and a homogeneous distribution in the fat tissue, and accordingly, the fat tissue is removed homogeneously. This causes fluctuation, which is the most common complication of normal liposuction surgery, to be much less common.

There is not much difference in duration between Vaser liposuction and classic liposuction. The surgery takes approximately the same time. Although the time varies depending on the body part and the area performed, the entire procedure is performed between half an hour and one and a half to two hours.

This situation varies from person to person depending on each person’s body weight. First of all, liposuction is not a weight loss operation, but from time to time I perform this procedure on patients who cannot lose weight.

Ten percent of body weight is the limit value for us. So far, we have had patients take 13 to 15 liters, but I do not prefer this much. This is our upper limit for overweight patients, but I generally try to stay at a maximum of 6 – 8 kilos.

I prefer it more in women because their skin quality is slightly lower due to estrogen. Vaser liposuction is my first choice, especially for all patients between the ages of 30 and 50. Since we want skin tightening, I prefer Vaser Liposuction especially in the back area, gynecomastia area and leg area.

The post-operative period varies from person to person. I tell this to all my patients, and the same thing applies to our conversations with my patients after the operation. Some people have a very high pain threshold, and some of these patients return to normal life after the first or second day. For some, the maximum duration is five days, and at the end of these five days, the patient returns to his normal life. Of course, there are some things that need to be done.

After the procedure, the patient leaves the operating room with a corset. He has to use this corset for three weeks. Only in patients who perform Liposuction, we recommend the patient to take a shower on the third day. Starting from the third day, the patient starts taking showers as standard. If a combined treatment was applied, a surgery was performed on another part of the patient’s body and there is an incision, I extend this process for up to five days.

The entry points we use in liposuction are very small holes, approximately 2 – 3 millimeters thick. We place a stitch in these holes after the operation, and these teeth are then spontaneously removed by the body. Although these scars are slightly visible in the first two months, they are almost not visible after six to eight months.

Fat storage in women and men occurs in certain areas. For example, in men, there is fat around the waist, which we call the bagel area, and in the gynecomastia area (breast area). When Liposuction is performed, we remove mostly white fat cells from these areas, and there is a slight decrease in the areas where fat is stored.

Unless the patient gains 5 – 6 kilos more than the pre-operative weight, there will be significantly less pooling in the same areas. However, if the patient gains more than 5 to 6 kilograms of weight, pooling begins to occur in the same areas again. For this reason, the patient needs to be careful, take care of his new life and follow a diet for years after Liposuction.

We see the results of Vaser liposuction between 3 and 6 months. Especially in the first month, the patient’s complaints such as edema, swelling and bruising disappear significantly and we see a 70% – 80% result. It takes between 3 and 6 months for us to see the real results.

If we call physical recovery as returning to normal life, the patient can return to normal life within 5 – 7 days. Minor aches and pains may occur in certain areas, but this varies from person to person. Many patients can return to work within a week or ten days. Of course, she needs to wear a corset for 3 weeks. She can complete this process by taking a shower in the evening and putting on her corset again.

Fat injections in liposuction are a very new application. In the past, fat injections began in much smaller amounts, especially in the facial area. Later, fat injections began to be made in the breast, butt and leg areas. Of course, over time, these amounts were increased by increasing the viability of the oils. Currently, we perform fat injections in the face area, breast area and butt area very frequently. This not only provides body shaping but also provides advantages in many ways, such as lifting the buttocks of patients with low buttocks.

The six pack procedure is a bit more technical and takes longer to perform than normal liposuction. Because shaping and rebuilding muscles requires more effort. When doing this, it is definitely necessary to use Vaser liposuction.

The reason for this is that Vaser ultrasonic liposuction does not harm the skin. For this reason, we can get as close to the skin as possible. Since we get close to the skin and do not damage it, we ensure as much fineness as possible in the skin and the tissue under the skin. We perform the six pack procedure by thinning certain areas and leaving and shaping the fat tissues in the locations where the muscles are located.

If the patient will only undergo Liposuction, 5 – 6 days will be sufficient; if combined surgeries will be performed, we expect this period to increase to 7 – 10 days.

BBL Frequently Asked Questions

Butt lift surgery with fat, or the procedure we call Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), has been performed very frequently lately. In addition to implant applications, fat injections are also performed to shape the butt area.

In fat injection, we actually kill two birds with one stone. By performing liposuction, the patient gets rid of the fat in the abdominal area around the waist and then injects this fat into the butt area to shape the butt area.

Approximately 1000 cc on each side, although it varies depending on the fat taken. Fat injection can be done up to . This application has only this handicap. 40 or 50% of the applied oils are absorbed by the body within 2-3 months and 40-50% remains. For this reason, injecting a little more fat into that area with the application we call overcorrection is more beneficial in terms of results.

This operation can be performed appropriately for butt shaping in patients with sufficient fat tissue.

After the extracted fat is prepared, it is generally placed on the upper part of the butt area to create a lifting effect, and subcutaneous tissues are generally preferred.

Apart from butt lift, is there a demand for enlarging the butt sideways?
Patients generally want a rounder butt shape that is more feminine and rounder. To create this, a certain amount of fat must be injected into both the upper parts of the butt and the side areas.

Patients need to use a corset as in standard liposuction. It is especially beneficial to use a corset that leaves the areas where we injected fat exposed. Healing takes approximately 7 – 10 days. After 7-10 days, the patient continues his normal life. However, it takes approximately 3 to 6 months to see the results.

After buttock augmentation surgery, the patient’s ability to sit, stand up, bend over, etc.

Are there any restrictions for situations?
We do not want the patient to sit on his butt for the first 7 days. That’s why we use specially produced pillows. The patient is allowed to sit on these pillows, especially with the back of the thigh area resting on the pillow. We generally recommend that the patient lie face down for the first 7 to 10 days.

It is necessary for patients to not have sexual intercourse for approximately 15 days for better recovery.

If lifting is to be done, we do not prefer fat injection. In lifting procedures, we remove skin tissue and replace certain muscles, thus creating a lifting effect. However, we do not prefer applying both lifting and fat injection together as it is a bit risky.

It can be done if the patient is very motivated, but we generally do not recommend it. Because during the tummy tuck operation, the patient must lie on his back and lie in a special position. During buttock fat injection procedures, it is recommended that the patient lie face down.

When the two procedures are performed together, the patient has to lie on his back and therefore the fat may remain in that area in undesirable ways and we may experience some problems in the future.

Of course, this process is carried out very frequently. After the fat injection, second, third and fourth sessions can be performed 1 – 2 – 3 years later. This has no harm to the patient’s health. However, in fat injections, it is beneficial to apply various blood thinners to the patient, especially in view of certain risks (to minimize the risk of enbolism).

There is no such thing. Since we use the patient’s own fat tissue, there is a “vascularization” vascularization in that area over time, and approximately 50% of the applied fat remains in that area.

If there is not enough fat tissue, we can recommend butt implants. We place the prostheses specially produced for this job in the spaces we create between the muscles by making an incision of approximately 4 – 5 cm in the area we call the gluteal sulcus, and this application can be performed instead of the fatty tissue.

There are no scars after fat injection, and since we make incisions of approximately 1 – 2 mm, these scars disappear immediately. Since we hide the scar in the gluteal sulcus in the butt prosthesis, it is very rarely visible.

The cannulas used in fat injection should be large cannulas. Studies have shown that small cannulas are more likely to damage the veins or enter the vein, and therefore large cannulas should be used, approximately 3.5 – 4 mm. Recent studies have shown that it is appropriate to use thick cannulas.

For buttock prosthesis, this period varies between 7 and 10 days. For fat injections, it is sufficient to stay in Istanbul for 5 to 7 days.

Tummy Tuck Frequently Asked Questions

Abdominoplasty is a procedure we prefer after birth or in people who have lost a lot of weight, especially in patients with excess skin in the abdominal area. The main feature of tummy tuck surgery is; It is the process of replacing the belly button and removing the skin tissue under the belly button.

While doing this, patients are generally accompanied by situations where the rectus muscles are separated from each other, which we call diastasis recti. We perform the plication procedure in these patients. In the area where diastasis recti is present, we bring the rectus muscles one on top of the other, like a corset, to achieve a thinning in the horizontal plane, and by removing the excess skin, we obtain a flat abdominal skin.

Abdominoplasty is a procedure that takes approximately 2 hours. After the procedure, patients wake up wearing a corset. We also apply a system to patients, which we call drain, in which we draw out the fluid collected in the surgery area.

The drain remains for approximately 3-4 days, and then we remove the patient’s drains. The patient takes a bath and gets dressed on the 4th or 5th day. The dressing is changed and we repeat these dressing changes every 2 days.

After 10 days, the dressings are removed, the patient takes a shower every day and gradually returns to normal life. For the first 7 days, we generally recommend that patients do not walk in a straight position but rather lean forward slightly.

We apply a corset, just like we do in liposuction, and we recommend that the patient use this corset for 3 weeks. Unlike classical abdominoplasty, today we definitely add liposuction to this procedure. With liposuction, we achieve as much thinning as possible in the remaining skin.

Patients generally do not have pain after the operation. This is because; It is the application of very strong, long-lasting local anesthetics to that area before the patient wakes up. These are effective for approximately 18 – 20 hours. The next day, we give strong painkillers intravenously to help the patient get through this process.

After the second day, the pain decreases much more as a standard, and although it varies from person to person, the patient gradually returns to his normal life after the third or fourth day.

The healing process takes approximately 2 or 3 weeks. However, we need to wait between 3 and 6 months to see the real result of the patient.

The biggest handicap of this surgery compared to liposuction or other surgeries is that there is a scar. This scar is approximately 15 centimeters longer than that of patients who have had a caesarean section scar before, but the feature of the scar is that the patient can hide it. Since this scar usually remains inside underwear, it can be hidden very easily. Purpose of this; The aim is to maximize the patient’s satisfaction with the result of the operation by keeping the scar as short as possible.

First of all, such complaints mostly occur in women who have given birth. We recommend tummy tuck surgery, especially in patients with excess skin in the belly area that cannot be removed with liposuction.

Generally, the patients we perform abdominoplasty are women who have given birth and are between the ages of approximately 35 – 55 – 60. It is important that these patients do not have a serious disease, and we recommend that their blood pressure be regulated, and if they have diabetes, it should be regulated as well. Apart from this, the blood table must be suitable for this operation. We recommend that the patient pay attention to his position and be a little more careful in the post-operative period.

This depends on the patient’s previous condition. If the fat tissue thickness is below a certain thickness, it is possible for the patient to have a very smooth, ideal abdomen, as per the patient’s expectations, since we perform liposuction in this area.

This scar depends on the condition of the excess skin. If the excess skin does not extend too much to the sides, the scar is kept as short as possible. The main purpose of planning is to keep the skin incision length as short as possible.

We perform some of the tummy tuck surgeries on such patients. Of course, if necessary, in addition to abdominoplasty in such patients, we also perform a circumferential excision from the back area, which we call a belt lift, and in this way we rid the patient of excess skin.

When we remove excess skin all around in the procedures we call Post Bariatric Surgery, we can achieve a flat appearance and a thin waist structure in both the back and abdomen.

Gynecomastia Frequently Asked Questions

Gynecomastia is a disorder that is very common in men during adolescence, affecting almost 40% – 50% of men. It usually regresses with the passing of puberty, but this problem continues in some people, especially overweight men.

If the person does not have a lot of excess skin, we generally recommend liposuction. There is a misconception that breast tissue (gynocomastia glant tissue) cannot be removed by liposuction. However, now we can easily remove the glant tissue from there with vaser liposuction. In this way, if there is not too much excess skin, we can solve the gynecomastia problem without any incision, just by liposuction.

We can generally perform gynecomastia surgery excisively and only with liposuction. In patients whose skin excess is not excessive, liposuction alone is sufficient.

Patients with gynecomastia generally experience a lot of discomfort during the summer months. For this reason, patients can easily get rid of this problem with a minor surgery (about 30 minutes).

As after standard liposuction surgery, the patient needs to be careful. A protein-based diet is also beneficial. We recommend that the patient not gain too much weight.

After gynecomastia surgery, the patient must use a corset. We recommend a corset in the shape of a wrestler’s swimsuit, and this corset should be used for at least 3 weeks. After the 3rd day, the patient takes a shower every day and wears her corset again.

Local anesthesia and sedation can be applied. The operation time is very short and it can be performed only with general anesthesia.

Staying here for four or five days after the operation is sufficient for control purposes.

It takes 3 to 6 months to see the results of the operation, also in gynecomastia surgery, just like in liposuction surgery. Especially in the operation area, there is a significant edema in the first 10 days, and then the tissues gradually recover during the healing process.

Face Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Several techniques are used in face lift procedures. In classical face lift surgeries, an incision is made in front of and behind the ear, and a lift is performed on both the face and neck area.

Apart from this, there is a short scar face lift technique we call (macs lift). The difference between this technique and the classic facelift is that the incision in front of the ear ends at the point we call the earlobe and does not extend behind the ear. In this method, liposuction applied to the chin area provides a significant freedom and the same effects as face lift can be achieved.

Classic face lift operations take a little longer. This period takes approximately 5 – 6 hours. Because in the classical face lift operation, the lower and upper eyelid, face lift procedure, neck lift procedure and the removal of the structure we call smas, exposing the nerve and stretching this fascia structure to certain areas are performed. Since this nerve must be exposed, dissection must be performed more carefully and therefore the duration of the surgery is prolonged. This is the classic facelift.

In the Macs lift procedure, the skin is separated from this structure by staying on the layer we call smas, and a plication and shrinkage process is performed on the structure called smas with sewing methods, and in this way similar effects are achieved. The classic face lift procedure takes approximately 5 – 6 hours. However, the short scar face lift method, which we call (macs lift), can be completed in approximately 2-2.5 hours.

It varies from patient to patient, but this method can be used in patients aged 40 to 45, especially in patients over the age of 45. In some patients, sagging, skin laxity and skin laxity are much greater. This procedure can be performed in these patients at an early age, and in some patients, this procedure can be performed after the age of 55 – 60.

Since this surgery is a procedure we perform on patients of the highest age group, the general condition of the patient must be suitable for this operation. Since we do not want a long operation, we generally prefer the short-scar face lift procedure, which we call (macs lift) in certain cases.

The important thing is that aging can be reversed. As aging happens, there are various handicaps such as cells losing fluid and accordingly their volume decreases, wrinkles increase, and especially the mid-face descends downward due to the effect of gravity. The aim is to reverse these effects. The effect of gravity causes the facial structures to descend downwards with a vertical effect. Our aim here is to return these structures to their former places.

Although a rejuvenation procedure is performed in the classical face lift, the vector we apply is generally in the direction we call oblique. However, in the procedures we call (macs lift) the vectors we use in the short scar face lift method are completely vertical vectors and therefore provide a rejuvenation in the opposite direction to the effect of gravity. As a result, results that are not obvious that a face lift has been performed can be achieved very easily.

The face area is an area that heals very quickly. All dressings are removed approximately 5 to 6 days after the operation. Early recovery is complete, but it takes 2 to 3 months to see the real result.

What is the length of stay in Istanbul for patients coming from abroad for face lift surgery?
We especially recommend that the patient stay in Istanbul for 5 – 7 days.