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A Man’s Eye is completely different Than a Woman’s.
The job market nowadays is additionally competitive than ever. Each man and ladies are feeling the necessity to appear smarter in order to compete with their younger colleagues for profitable jobs. Whereas within the past cosmetic surgery among men was fairly rare, Ozge Ergun, MD is currently seeing an increase in male patients, significantly for Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty) surgery. “They don’t desire a full facelift,” he explains. “They don’t prefer fillers… however, they do wish to appear much younger, and in need of facial rejuvenation.”
Motivation for Eyelid Removal Surgery
Mostly, the source of inspiration for a male patient for this surgery is; his wife-girl friend or spouse. Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty) for male patients is slightly different than it’s for female patients.
Difference between Man Eyelid Removal surgery and Woman
Thanks to anatomy and aesthetics, there are certain characteristics that make men handsome and ladies stunning. Dr. Ozge Ergun can perform a brow lift on women as their eyebrows are slightly higher than their brow bones, but not for men, as lifting the brow could feminize them, per Money.. People tend to blandish men’s eyebrows and sit either right on the brow bone or a bit lower. Typically, this is often what is going on once you can cross-check a person, and you don’t understand what’s wrong, however, you recognize that he doesn’t appear as if a person any longer. He has had a standard feminine facelift or eyelid lift, resulting in this.
Ozge Ergun, MD is not creating a high arch on the eyes of her male patients as she does for female patients due to the importance of volume restoration to the cheeks, which is typically done in conjunction with Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty) to create a smooth transition from the lower eye to the cheek.. “I actually need to stay it flush and level,” explains Ozge Ergun, MD.
Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty)
Good choice for younger patients. Younger men commonly complain of dark circles under the eye and/or tired look they have on their face. This is typically due to aging after the 30s.and will increase every passing decade.
A Transconjunctival Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty) may be a good way to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. Throughout the procedure, Dr.Ozge Ergun makes an incision on the inside of the lower lid, removing the surplus fat pads that tend to form a man’s eyes look tired and puffy.
Once a person hits his late 40’s to early 50’s, however, he’s likely to need traditional Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty) that involves removing excess skin, tucking some fat, and elevating the corners of the eyes.
Bottom line, Eyelid Removal (Blepharoplasty) is on the increase as a result of its unbelievably positive effective method for men to rejuvenate their entire face.