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Tummy Tuck Result is permanent ?

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Result Last?

In most of the surgeries, patients should pay attention to themselves after their operations. Aiming to live a healthy life is the key to keeping a Long-lasting tummy tuck result.

Besides, the main purpose of an Abdominoplasty surgery is to remove the excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the muscle in the operated area. After these surgical steps, the tummy tuck result will last nearly a lifetime.

But there are also some circumstances may affect your tummy tuck result. Pregnancy and gaining a large amount of weight is most common situations for it.

For pregnancy, planning your surgery according to your pregnancy’s end will help you to avoid for undoing your surgery results. With regard to the weight gaining, the most effective prevention is to have a healthy diet and exercise.

Paying attention to these circumstances will protect your Tummy Tuck result safely.

How Do I Know if I Need a Tummy Tuck or Vaser Lipo?

There are certain basic indications to understand this.Having a loose extra skin, stretch marks, muscle laxity from pregnancy needs a tummy tuck. Or having strong muscles, no rolls or folds of extra skin, minimal to no stretch marks and great skin elasticity needs lipo.

However, you can’t be able to know it only by yourself. To make the right decision, you should have to consult with a board-certifield surgeon

Can Local Anesthesia Be Used for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Having general anesthesia is more useful for both the patient and surgeon. Your surgeon will operate more efficiently during your surgery while you are asleep under the general anesthesia, as your muscles will be completely relaxed.

Booking for the procedure

You may either contact us or first check the Medical Package offers and Tummy Tuck Surgery Before and After photos