Wrinkles occur on face around eyes and between eyebrows and on forehead due to over mimicking; they can be treated by Botulinum T. applications.
Botulinum T. injections were applied on cross-eye treatments in 1970 and it has been started to be used in esthetic surgery since the 1990s. Since the very first years, it became…
Table of contents
How long gynecomastia operation takes?
Does gynecomastia operation applied by local anesthesia? Is there a need of general anesthesia for gynecomastia?
Is the surgery necessary for gynecomastia? Are there alternative treatment methods?
I am taking aspirin daily, is it an issue for my gynecomastia operation?
You are supposed to stay in the…
Table of contents We separate these prost heses as : Their shapes separate prost heses: Armpit area
Breasts are organs that develop and form until the end of puberty. The breast can lose their shapes due to breastfeeding, wrong bra usage, and gaining and losing weight. Lose of form after breastfeeding and birth can cause…
Breast asymmetry
refers to the appearance of a part of the breast in comparison to the remainder of that breast and to the other breast. A radiologist will examine a mammogram to look at the difference in position, volume and form of the breasts.
When looking at breast asymm etry ,…
Table of contents 1. How the doctor should be chosen? 2. Is nasal aesthetic surgery a painful procedure? 3. Are there any bleedings during a nasal surgery? 4. Is there an age limit for a nose job? 5. What should I do before a surgery? 6. Will there be any scar after the surgery? 7.…
Table of contents 4D Hi-Def Vaser Liposuction What is 4D Hi-Def Vaser Liposuction? What is the Implementation Process? After the surgery Vella-smooth Applications After the surgery What is 4D Hi-Def Vaser Liposuction? What is the Implementation Process?
4D Hi-Def Vaser Liposuction
Today, the terms "aesthetics and beauty" are now used in conjunction with the words…
Table of contents Look at the mirror Have realistic expectations Accept the realities of esthetic surgery Even these are all small risks, they should be acknowledged. Solve your internal conflicts
In our day esthetic surgery reaches every part of society. Media loves it. It is the center of attention for reality shows, news channels, paparazzi…
Table of contents Beauty: Does it worth to chase? Beauty in Our Day Beauty and Social Life Beauty and Plastic Surgery
Beauty: Does it worth to chase?
The philosophers always ask questions about certain things: What is beauty? How does beautiful differ from ugly? We realize the beautiful one at the moment we see it.…